Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Run Hombre Run! - Barefoot Running & the Tarahumara Indians from Mexico's Copper Canyon

WINE COUNTRY CON SABOR! - Thursday Sept. 2, 2010 @ 9amPST on 1440 KVON or

Christopher McDougall is one coco loco! As contributing editor of Men's Health and a former war correspondent for The Associated Press, he's seen some pretty crazy things and met some even crazier people. But when he was asked by the New York Times to track down Mexican pop diva turned accused kidnapper Gloria Trevi, he knew he was on to a unique aspect of his writing career - exploring physiological oddities and extreme human endurance. In his latest book, BORN TO RUN: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World has Never Seen, McDougall explores a deep seeded tradition, bizarre and socialogical study of the remote Tarahumara Indians of Mexico's Copper Canyon who run the rugged terrain BAREFOOT. For centuries, the Tarahumara and their unique barefoot running techniques allow them to run hundreds of miles without stopping. Yet they are serene, healthy and immune to many common illnesses. (What! No blisters or shin splints?? Como puede ser?) They are known to out run deer, so the deer stop from exhaustion and make for an easier kill. Christopher McDougall joins me to talk about the Tarahumara indians, their way of life and their manner of running which continues to inspire with awe the world of superathletes.

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